Made for More: Your Journey to Holiness Starts Here
"Holiness is being fully known and fully loved by God."
The idea of “holiness,” even just that word, can seem daunting to think about. For some of us, it’s kind of scary. For others, the idea is even worse than scary. We’ve been hurt by people who’ve misused the idea. Or because of our messed up lives, holiness feels like an impossible expectation, and a heavy sense of guilt bears down, making us want to run far away as fast as we can.
That makes me very sad.
Because the reality of holiness is being fully known and fully loved by God. From infancy, humans are encountered by beauty. A sense of wonder lures our imaginations toward something more real than what our physical senses can grasp or explain. The Old Testament writes of this as “awe,” “fear of the LORD,” “seeking the face of God” and “the beauty of holiness.” The New Testament alludes to this as complete joy.
Every longing and desire that yearns throughout your heart, mind and body is a created symbol that you are made for Another. That other is Jesus. He alone wants and is able to satisfy the depths of who you are. Jesus completes you. Holiness is living in belonging union with Him. A holy life is full of joy. When we are holy, we’re living our true selves.
To approach the topic of holiness is to approach Jesus Himself, and He is perfect goodness and love toward us. It’s an exhilarating adventure. It’s the grand rescue. In the beginning, humans were created in the image of the God of holy love through perfect intimate union with God Himself. He is the source of life and goodness. But they listened to lies from our enemy, causing them to doubt God’s goodness and love, which led them to rebel against Him. The intimate personal presence of God was rejected, causing His image in humans to be lost. Since that moment, all humans have been born spiritually dead, separated from God (Ephesians 2:1-3).
But because God is love, He is unrelenting in His pursuit of us. If you’ve wrecked your life through some kind of horrible decision, if you have an addiction that is keeping you in unspeakable secret bondage, if there’s sin that influences your speech, if self-centeredness dominates your envious heart, if you’re harboring resentment and even hate, and you’re captive to that – God sees you and He loves you. He knows you cannot even cry out to Him for help without His grace, much less climb to holiness through changing your behavior! He comes for you!
A life of holiness is continuously recognizing that it’s impossible for us to make ourselves good or whole, so we turn our hearts to Jesus and cast our helpless selves utterly upon His mercy. A holy life is a desperate life. We’re convinced we can do nothing but receive Love who is running toward us to grab hold and lift us out of the pit and mire. He will once again unite us to Himself (Ephesians 2:4–10; Colossians 1:19–23).
Holiness is not a doctrine. It’s Jesus’ life within us. Holiness is an intimate, continuous, personal love relationship with the Triune God. Our holy life and behavior flow out of Him who is love, which He pours into us (Colossians 3:1-17).
I pray you understand that holiness is not first of all about our behavior, but holiness is first of all a person. Our holiness is the outcome of a face-to-face companionship with the living God of Holy Love. And I pray you will know that you can experience this every day of your life because you are made for this joy (John 15:11, Ephesians 3:16–21).
Questions to ponder
- Do you ever make the mistake of thinking holiness is about living up to expectations that are impossible to meet?
- How can you experience face-to-face companionship with God everyday?