Seeing the Unseen
By keeping our spiritual eyes and ears open to see the souls around us, especially those who feel unseen, we will find the divine appointments God sends our way so we can share His love with others.![](
I was miffed. I scheduled a Saturday meeting with a colleague weeks earlier and yet, at the appointed time, there I stood, locked out of the meeting room with no sign of my counterpart.
I walked outside to the front of the building; a renovated World War II warehouse that The Salvation Army had long ago dedicated to serving the needs of Los Angeles’ homeless. Making a quick call, I learned my colleague had completely forgotten about our meeting and would not be there for at least an hour.
I considered heading back to my car to draft emails, but something (someone?) stopped me. Instead, I looked around, noticing several people with large bandages on various parts of their bodies. Some sat on benches, while others sat in wheelchairs. I realized they were clients of the Recuperative Care Program, a ministry that gives homeless patients a comfortable space to recover after having been discharged from hospitals.
I caught the eye of one woman with a large bandage wrapped around one hand. She was leaning on a rail and enjoying the sunshine. I smiled and introduced myself. Her name was Marissa.
We each shared a little about our lives. I discovered she’d found herself homeless after a divorce and the loss of her job. She’d struggled to find steady work and housing because her family was in another state. She told me about her hand surgery, mentioning how grateful she was for a place to rest and recover. Then she surprised me when she shared how Jesus had become real to her in the past few years. Despite the great difficulties she was experiencing, she knew she was saved and felt grateful to God. I felt blessed by her testimony, amazed by her positive attitude given her circumstances. When I told her this, she paused, admitting, “You know, I’ve been feeling a little down lately and have been having doubts, wondering if God really loves me.”
I heard God whisper to my spirit, “Lisa, this is why I brought you here today!” I told Marissa, “I think God sent me to you today to let you know that He truly does love you!” I shared with her Romans 8:38-39, which promises that nothing can separate us from the love of God, along with Zephaniah 3:17, which reveals a picture of God rejoicing over His beloved children with singing.
After praying together, I told Marissa, “You know, I also think God sent you to me today, because your testimony really blessed me, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and hearing your story. I think I might even be glad my colleague forgot all about me!” We both laughed.
When my colleague finally arrived, sheepish about forgetting our meeting, I’m sure he was surprised to find me laughing with Marissa. No longer was I “miffed.” I was full of joy. Why? Because my meeting with Marissa was a divine appointment. If I’d grumpily gone to my car to do emails, I would’ve missed out on the blessing of being used by Jesus to encourage her.
Instead of getting irritated when things don’t go as expected, I always want to try praying this instead: “Lord, how can I respond in a way that brings glory to You?” Then I must pay attention to those “whispers” of the Spirit and do as God leads.
By keeping our spiritual eyes and ears open to see the souls around us, especially those who feel unseen, we will find the divine appointments God sends our way so we can share His love with others.
It’s an exciting and powerful way to live!
This article was originally published in the May 2019 issue of The War Cry.