A Season of Hope
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." – Desmond Tutu
Two of my friends recently died in sudden tragic ways just days apart from one another. The deaths were unexpected. The men were young and healthy. At least it appeared that way on the outside. On the inside, each one was dealing with dark struggles—life-or-death struggles as it turned out. And while we are still sitting in the raw grief of it all, there is hope. There has always been hope.
Easter is a season of hope realized and hope to come. The hope of a Savior is completed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For hundreds of years, people had been promised a Messiah. They had groaned and cried out for a Savior. Because of Jesus, hope for salvation is answered. He pays the price of our sin and provides the way to reconciliation with God. It is a long-awaited hope fulfilled.
This is also a season of hope to come because we still exist in a hurting, broken, sin-filled world. The battle between light and darkness, good and evil, still rages, and we see the casualties of it every day. It could be easy to despair when the darkness seems unending and awful acts continue to be committed daily, but there is hope because we know that Jesus is victorious. We already know the ending of the story: that one day every wrong will be made right and that good will triumph over evil. Those who have Christ as Savior will experience life everlasting with no more tears or pain, just the overwhelming awesomeness of the presence of God.
It’s nice to hear but sometimes hard to apply. Here is where I find hope in my grief. While both of my friends had addiction and mental health issues here on earth, among other difficulties, they now have healing. They knew Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They loved God and others well. And they finally have complete healing and peace. My hope for the victory of the future is built on moments like these. Last night during our bedtime prayers my oldest daughter said, “You are going to be so happy when you get to heaven and see all these people again.” That is hope. The promise that we will see one another again; that this is not the end of our story. There is hope because the best is yet to come.
Experiencing GOD:
- Where do you find daily reminders of hope?
- How can you celebrate hope revealed and hope to come during this Easter season?
Supporting Scripture:
“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”
– Romans 15:13