Q&A with Major Rob Reardon
"As a parent, there’s no greater joy than to know that you’ve raised children who love and serve God despite your failures."
I have been an officer for 25 years, having been commissioned in 1998 with the Builders of the Kingdom session of cadets. My wife, Amy, and I have served in Phoenix, AZ; Denver, CO; Seattle, WA; Alexandria, VA; Rancho Palos Verdes, CA; and we are currently stationed in San Diego, CA. We have served as corps officers in three corps, totaling 12 years, and have also served at Divisional and National Headquarters as well as the College for Officer Training (CFOT) in the USA Western Territory.
01. How did you first become involved with The Salvation Army?
I grew up in Toronto, Canada, attending The Salvation Army from birth. Both of my parents were soldiers and leaders in the corps. During my early life, I felt the call to officership while attending summer camp. As I grew older, I pursued that call, which led me to attend Bible College. Later, I moved to the United States to enter the CFOT and ultimately become an officer in The Salvation Army.
02. What is your favorite event or program in The Salvation Army?
Without a doubt, music camp has been my favorite event every year since I was a child. I have a deep love for music and I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit utilizes music as a way to communicate to people in ways that are unheard otherwise. As an adult, I am fortunate enough to be able to pass on the gift of music to children, and it brings me immense joy to witness the positive impact that music has on them—it’s truly life-changing.
03. Who inspires you and why?
Growing up, there was a divisional youth secretary that I wanted to emulate. Now retired Colonel Bill Ratcliffe had a way of communicating the hope of the gospel and the joy of ministry in a way that captivated me. I’ve only ever wanted to be an officer who could be as effective as he was, and continues to be in retirement.
04. What hobbies do you like to do?
Music and sports are what I do to unwind and have fun away from the daily grind. In my younger days, I used to play hockey, which was an incredible release for me. Now, music takes center stage… it’s not as physically taxing.
05. How do you spend time connecting with God?
Playing the piano has a way of drawing me into the presence of God. I love to worship as I play, allowing the music to animate Scripture that I have read, or using lyrics to enhance my prayer life as I communicate in a deeper way with Christ.
06. How does your faith influence your work and/or your everyday life?
We are all God’s children. No one that I meet is not a child of God. Because of that reality, no matter who that person might be, or what station of life that person might be experiencing, we are brothers and sisters in Christ and equally deserving of the grace offered so freely by Him.
07. What is your favorite Scripture verse and why?
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV), “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
08. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Pride is a subjective word, but I am most proud of my five children. I love watching each of them grow into the person that God has created them to be.
09. What are your hopes/goals for the future?
I would like to be the kind of person that when people remember me after I’m gone, they are acutely aware that I have been a faithful follower of Christ.
10. What has been one of your biggest joys in following Jesus so far?
It’s heartwarming to hear your kids speak about their faith in the Lord. As a parent, there’s no greater joy than to know that you’ve raised children who love and serve God despite your failures. It’s a testament to the power of God’s grace and the impact that a faithful parent can have on their children’s lives .