Exploring Philippians 4:6-7
“Never be afraid of moving slowly. Be afraid of not moving.”
Now and then, I run across something that makes me ponder and sticks with me for a very long time. When my wife and I were presented with the challenge of helping to get the first Kroc Center off the ground, there were so many details and moving parts to handle that my focus was scattered. Amid all this chaos, I happened to run across an ancient Japanese proverb that caused me to stop:
“Never be afraid of moving slowly. Be afraid of not moving.”
Ever since this gem of wisdom entered into my heart, I have found myself freaking out less about the unknown of the future. It’s okay to control the pace, but make sure you are going forward.
We are getting close to re-entry into what the experts are calling “the new normal.” I will be very honest and say none of that looks appealing to me. Wearing a mask all the time is frustrating, not for political reasons but practical reasons. My glasses steam up every time!
- Standing in long lines to get into a store
- Learning the traffic patterns of the now “one-way aisles” in your favorite store
- Always keeping the 6-foot distant thing in mind
Even at NHQ, we will have many new ways of doing business as well as where and how we can congregate. It’s just not that appealing, but we will not be going backward. It will be a new way of life as we press on.
As we prepare to make these changes to get out of our “bunkers” and back into the flow of things, there may already some pangs of anxiety rising in your heart. Perhaps now is a good time to take the words of the Apostle Paul to heart:
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 NLT
Today Lord, help me not to fret about the things that may happen or the new normal may be difficult to adjust to. Help me to just focus on this moment taking each day one step at a time with you by my side. Amen.