National Seminar on Holiness
“Blood and Fire,” the theme for the National Seminar on Holiness, represents the experience of those who attended this year.
Over 100 delegates and 20 faculty gathered at Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs, full of hope and expectation of exploring holiness for themselves. The Holy Spirit did not disappoint.
From the keynote session to the covenant service, the Holy Spirit made His presence felt in every meeting. Repeatedly people responded to the Spirit’s prompting and knelt at the mercy seat.

Delegates were strengthened and challenged in holy living by the sound biblical teaching of our National Ambassadors of Holiness, Dr. Bill Ury and Reverand Diane Ury, as well as Meredith Bauman, in united morning sessions.
The Spirit also blessed those in attendance through impactful small group meetings, times for personal devotions, and Christian fellowship in the beauty of God’s creation. Delegates even found time for touring scenic locations around Colorado Springs.

Start planning now to attend the National Seminar on Holiness in 2025.