The Language of Faithfulness
"And even if our dreams are delayed, detoured, or never come about the way we want, we can still hold onto the faithfulness of God." - Archibald D. Hart
In middle school, my dream for when I grew up was to serve in French-speaking Africa. It must have been a God-given desire because I’m not sure where else it would have come from. It was such a specific and seemingly random vision. To work towards that desire, I began studying French. I studied through high school and the beginning of college, even going so far as to join a French club (we had three members, including the teacher). I studied French earnestly, with intentionality and a goal in mind.
However, as I wrapped up my time in college, I forgot about French, and I forgot about Africa. It wasn’t that I gave up on the dream. God had directed my steps in another direction. I married, became a Salvation
Army officer and had children. At that point, Africa seemed completely out of the question. Often in our ministry, I found myself regretting studying French instead of Spanish and considered those years of studying foolish.
Then came a baby dedication. We have a family in our church from the Congo, a French-speaking part of Africa. We had slowly been building our relationship with this family when they asked us to dedicate their baby. A dedication is a time for the parents to commit to raising the baby, the parents commit to raising the baby in a way that honors the Lord. They publicly promise to make sure the baby knows Jesus as Savior and an opportunity is provided for the congregation to come alongside the family in that commitment. With such a promise to make, God reminded me it was so important that these parents understand what they were promising. It would be unfair for them to agree to something in a language they were uncomfortable with. Out came Google Translate. Out came my years of French study, though very rusty. When it came time for the dedication, I greeted the family in French and then proceeded to do the dedication with my husband in a combination of French and English. It turns out that French was part of God’s plan all along.
This story is not about me. It’s not really about the family. It certainly isn’t about French. This is a true story of God’s faithfulness. It’s about how sometimes He gives us a dream or a vision or a calling. We act in obedience and then nothing seems to happen, or it doesn’t work out, or plans fall through. I can give countless examples of when this has happened in my life. But then years, or even decades later, it happens exactly as God had always intended it. Perhaps today, God has placed something on your heart, and you seem to be continually encountering roadblocks and failures as you pursue it. Don’t be disheartened. It’s not that it’s the wrong time. It’s just that it’s about God’s time.
Experiencing GOD
- Are there desires God gave you in the past that weren’t immediately fulfilled? Can you find where God has used them today?
- Pray that your God-given desires and dreams be used in His time for His Kingdom and submit them fully to Him.
Supporting Scripture
“Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.”
Deuteronomy 7:9