January Crossword: Adam to Omega
Can you solve it?
1 Pummel
5 A king of the Amalekites
9 Expenses
14 Prego’s competition
15 Divan
16 Plentiful
17 Epochs
18 Needy
19 __ be with you
20 I am the __ and the Omega
22 Sharp angled path
24 Tinct
25 Tenderly
27 Church part
31 Bird Noah sent out
32 Electroencephalograph (abbr.)
34 Fled
35 Glen
38 Time zone
40 A flame
42 Growing older
44 Cry
46 Had by Joseph, Joseph and magi
47 Asian capital
48 Thai
50 Pallid
51 Anger
52 Animal doc
55 Sacred
57 Jesus turned water into wine here
59 Italian cheese
61 Before Wed.
64 Very small bird
66 Remorse
68 Right angle to a ships length
71 Opera solo
73 Son of Adam and Eve
74 Major division in a long poem
75 Fibber
76 European monetary unit
77 Shade providers
78 Went to the bottom
79 Baths
1 Man shall not live by __ alone
2 __ bird
3 Biblical Greek word for love
4 Fanny
5 Poisonous snake
6 My __!
7 Walking (KJV)
8 Use mouthwash
9 Cloak
10 Last letter of Greek alphabet
11 Resort hotel
12 What a nurse gives
13 Perceive
21 Gone by
23 Caustic substance
26 Adam and __
28 Uses a lever
29 Wife of Abraham
30 Foe
31 Refuse to believe
33 Tribe of Israel
35 Prophetic
36 Ancient Greek marketplace
37 Consider equal
39 Child
41 Fracas
43 Governor (abbr.)
45 Of the Bahamas
49 Charged particle
53 White-tailed sea eagle
54 Adds up
56 Lumber
58 Reduce
60 Santa __ (Columbus’ ship)
61 Truss (2 wds.)
62 Extreme
63 Basic beliefs
65 OT prophet
67 Wields
68 Skit
69 Forbid
70 Vane direction
72 Noah’s boat
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