Exploring Psalm 46:10
Stillness is not the same as laziness. Stillness brings us into focused thought and allows us to re-center our daily routines.
“Be still and know that I am God…” – Psalm 46:10
We have the opportunity to take the time to be still in recent days. Stillness is not the same as laziness. Stillness brings us into focused thought and allows us to re-center our daily routines.
The concept of “being still” is something very contrary to my nature. Is it the same with you? I find it hard to sit and not do anything else. Usually, my brain explodes in a million different directions. To do lists crop up, planning the next activity or event, finding time to do all you think you need to do and don’t forget about the people who need your attention!
During the last few months, we have all been asked to stay home. Everything in my being wants to be out and about and doing! During this stay at home, I took the time to do things that were pushed out of my ‘busy life.’ Projects that should have been done long ago are now finished. I learned a new skill in my attempt to gain a hobby! I renewed my love/hate relationship with a daily walk. I spent more time in the Word and with the Lord. Being still and focusing takes a concerted effort. It’s a practice that reaps great benefits and helps us through each day. God speaks in the stillness.
There are times when our best efforts at stillness are next to impossible to achieve. Give yourself some grace and remember that God speaks both in the hectic and the still.
Lord, today as we enter a new day, may we come to it knowing that you are in the stillness as well as the busyness. Remind us to focus on you and what you have for us each day. Amen.