10 Questions with Scott Bedio
"Don't give up on God! Read His Word daily. Reading the Bible gives us wisdom and understanding beyond our own comprehension."
Scott Bedio is the Resource Center Director at Salvation Army National Headquarters. Born in Coshocton, OH and a proud Buckeye, Bedio grew up in Northern Virginia. He lives in Woodbridge, VA with his wife, Sandy, and son, Benjamin. Together, Bedio and Sandy enjoy leading youth programs and participating in activities at the Fairfax, VA Corps.
1. How did you meet The Salvation Army?
I was born and raised in The Salvation Army. Growing up, I attended the Alexandria Citadel Corps. My father served as the Assistant Corps Sergeant Major and my mother served as the Home League Secretary.
2. What brings you joy and happiness?
A shared ministry and heart for young people and youth programs with my wife Sandy brings me joy. Being a parent and spending time with my son is always wonderful. Parenthood is a blessing and challenge all in itself! I work with a phenomenal team in the Resource Center and a shared ministry with Mary Ndungu and Ionel Dinu has brought me much joy and happiness.
3. What is one challenge that you see for The Salvation Army?
On the corps level, the ability to make a connection with the core of the families we serve (parents, grandparents, etc.), and ministering to families as a whole.
4. Who has made the biggest impact on you and your career?
There are so many people who have impacted me. My mom and dad had a great impact on my life. My high-school band director, Dr. Stan Schoonover, challenged me to be a disciplined student and musician. My wife Sandy has been my stability and support. Susan Mitchem has had the biggest impact on my career. She taught me so much about archives management and the techniques of excellent research.
5. What are you currently reading?
I love to read historical biographies. I just finished the book “John Adams” by David McCullough. I just started reading his book “Truman” and reading the Bible daily for me is essential.
6. How do you handle negativity?
I face it head on. I believe that’s how we should deal with all unpleasantries of life. Take it to the Lord in prayer.
7. What drove you to choose the career that you did?
My love of history and research. I graduated from George Mason University with a BA in history. I had my mind set on a career teaching history at the high-school level. Later that year, I received a call from NHQ about a part-time job opportunity and I worked in the Archives Department for 16 years before transferring to the Resource Center in 2011.
8. What are two of your greatest strengths?
I would have to say my compassion for others and my spirit of volunteerism.
9. What are some tips that you would give someone struggling with faith?
Don’t give up on God! Read His Word daily. Reading the Bible gives us wisdom and understanding beyond our own comprehension. Don’t forget to pray. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thes. 5:17). Prayer builds our faith in God and faith builds trust. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (NIV)
10. What’s your favorite dessert?
Turkey Hill ice cream! My two favorite flavors are cookies and cream and mint chocolate chip. Together they make a delightful combination!